
Artificial Intelligence based Strategic Human Resource Management (AISHRM) for Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0, known as industry revolution 4.0, is going to be a business environment in which the labor market will get replaced by machines that can think like humans. Value chains of companies will get interconnected with data. Robots with artificial intelligence will be performing operations that were previously done by humans.

Artificial Intelligence is the New Electricity

“Just as electricity transformed almost everything 100 years ago, today I actually have a hard time thinking of an industry that I don’t think AI will transform in the next several years” - Andrew Ng

Talking Trees

Trees are living beings. The theory of plant ecology reveals the scientific knowledge of plant to plant interactions and interactions between plants and other organism. These interactions are done as hard to detect micro signals which are both in chemical and electrical form. They are transmitted within and between plant cells from receptor systems to effectors. Trees communicate with us but humans are unable to neither read nor understand their communication patterns.

“Talking trees” is a research based project where we introduce a cloud base platform for farming automation with the ultimate goal to understand and communicate with trees. Our mission is to implement the world’s largest social farming platform to innovate the much needed communication platform between humans and trees. Thereby our vision is to introduce fertilizer free farming to the world.

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